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7 Wedding Planning Resolutions Worth Making... & Keeping!

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  A new year often inspires people to make resolutions to improve something about themselves over the coming months. If you're in the midst of, or about to begin, wedding planning, it's not a bad idea to make a few wedding planning resolutions. Planning a wedding of your dreams requires a lot of, well... a lot! It's easy to get overwhelmed quickly without seeing it coming. Today the team at our online wedding store has a few wedding planning resolutions that can help to make the entire process a little less stressful and even more enjoyable.    Communicate With Your Partner...

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More Great Wedding Toast Tips - Who, When, & How

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  Last week's blog featured a few Great Wedding Toast Writing Tips. Today we've got some more helpful tips, this time about the people you should expect to be making those wedding toasts and how to fit them into your reception timeline.  The People That Traditionally Make Toasts  Traditionally, specific people involved with your wedding are expected to make toasts to the newly married couple at the reception. These lists are a wonderful place to start your wedding planning but as with all wedding "traditions", feel free to adjust them when necessary to fit your specific wedding vision.  You may...

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Great Wedding Toast Tips - The Timing, Content, & More

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  The majority of the wedding planning decisions are completely up to the couple getting married. There is one area that you will be giving up some of that control - the wedding toasts. You can decide who speaks and when, but the people giving the toasts will be the ones deciding what will be said. (Hopefully, their words will be only happy surprises!)  Today our online wedding store has a few tips that you can pass along to your friends and family that will be writing their own toasts. Next week, we'll cover who traditionally will be making those...

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Groomsman Gift Ideas Any Guy Would Love

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  Last week we featured Gorgeous Gift Ideas for Your Beautiful Bridesmaids so this week our online wedding store is giving you a glimpse at a few things the gentlemen in your wedding party will love. When it's time to say thank you, the following gift ideas for groomsmen are an excellent way to do that. (But you'll find even more when you visit!)  Not all groomsmen are alike, so you may want to pick out different presents for each one instead of buying the same item for all of them. Here are a few fantastic ideas to get you...

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Gorgeous Gift Ideas for Your Beautiful Bridesmaids

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  Weddings are all about the two of you celebrating your love and preparing to share the rest of your lives together. The supportive people that help you both make your wedding dreams a reality, the wedding party, are an important part of the process too. There are many ways to show those wonderful people how much you appreciate them. Today, we'll share a few beautiful bridesmaid gift ideas for the ladies in your wedding and next week, we'll focus on items that the fellas will love. (Of course, there are bound to be gift ideas on both lists that appeal to both...

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